At Ragamuffin House, even while discussing and writing about the issues of the day and working with NMPA to educate and strengthen the bonds among patriot groups, we've also been working on some new projects related to the Engineering Geek's upcoming retirement.
Yes, the time is coming, and our plans have been hastened a bit by the installation of Obummer's Health Care fiasco, which means that the EG's employer cannot guarantee they will be allowed to pay for his health benefits through our private plan if he does not retire before certain provisions go into effect. That and the issue of how to invest the different self-managed retirement accounts, has led to some very exciting and interesting changes in our plans.
We have been planning for a number of years to move out of highly taxed Bernalillo County, to a place that has darker skies, lower taxes, and fewer people. (The first and third generally go together). We were thinking of a place in a Preservation Development down near Mountain Air, but as we have been watching events here, we decided that for many reasons, someplace in west-central New Mexico would be better for us. We have decided to invest in a ranch in a county that has low population, low taxes, and lots of space, and where the use of firearms and hunting and fishing is a way of life, and where the people have an ethic of self-sufficiency and where there is the tradition of a Constitutional County Sheriff.
We spent one day every weekend from the middle of May to the middle of June driving with a Ranch Realtor out to the mountains and mesas of west-central New Mexico, looking at and evaluating properties for our purposes. We had quite a checklist. A few weeks ago, we went down to negotiate an offer with the owners of a perfect ranch, which was accepted and we are now in process.
This is an exciting time for us--we have reserved three cows, all of which have calves suckling, and all are pregnant. One is a Texas Longhorn. She's beautiful. In the next six months we will be getting ready to go into the ranching business, lease our house here (we own it and with this economy it makes no sense to sell it), and make arrangements to be at the ranch.
The place where we are going is stunningly, spare and beautiful! So below are pictures of a large area of the western New Mexico country surrounding our new property.
The Malpais--very young volcanic flow--is part of the landscape. Here there are 800 year-old lava flows in the foreground, that flowed down the Rio Puerco valley. In some places, pinyon trees and sagebrush have taken root among the twists and tubes of the flow.
Here in the Narrows of El Malpais Monument, the road runs between the lava flows and great mesas composed of Colorado Plateau formation sandstones and shales. At the top of this mesa is a degraded sandstone, but the Ventana Arch is in the Zuni Sandstone, a very competent layer. Weathering creates the arches, making a stunningly beautiful landscape.
The wildlife in this part of the world includes bear, mountain lion, and elk as well as the deer and antelope that play. Coyotes sing campers to sleep, and eagles, hawks and falcons provide a focus in the big, big skies.
A view of part of our ranch-to-be from a rimrock mesa top. It is in a protected valley, with very good water rights and to our delight, very dark skies! The round hill against the sky at the upper left of the picture is one of the many old volcanic cones found in the entire western region of the state. The ranch headquarters are in the valley, and there is also an old homestead further out, with a hand-dug well and timbers. There's lots of history here! Many of the tiny towns were once thriving ranching and mining centers before the men went off to fight WWII, and the women went to work in the airplane factories in California.
This county, like much of western New Mexico, is ranching country, complete with local rodeo rings and Mercantile stores. These areas were not settled in the original Spanish settlement--they wisely settled the Rio Grande Valley along the Camino Real--but after the United States acquired New Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo. Most of the people who settled and live in these parts are not Spanish, and the culture is more broadly European and American. And Texan, too! There are also different Pueblo Indian tribes and Navajo and Apache bands.
Another view of a sandstone bluff within El Malpais. It is a very large park, covering parts of several counties, and in our travels we drove across different parts of it.
We think of where we live now as G-d's Country, but we are truly fortunate, because New Mexico is repleat with places that make one sigh at the beauty of it all.
It sounds wonderful, but will moving impact your doctorate plans at all?
It might. I haven't decided. But I already have a number of degrees. So it doesn't feel so crucial. But I could finish up coursework this fall, and study and take comps in the spring. Then write the dissertation. But I'm not sure . . .
Either way, you're lucky you have the option of getting out somewhere where you will be able to enjoy a large degree of self-sufficiency and a community which practices and encourages it. I don't know how bad our country will get before it starts to get better again, but being in a place where you will be able to do a lot for yourself could become important before this is all over. It's why I want to get a job after graduation, rather than a doctorate; it will allow me to make some money and build up some insulation against potential socio-political-economic problems. Not quite as good as my own ranch, but still far better than nothing.
Beautiful country and light1 Hope you have or will get a really good camera to capture more images of it1 The cattle appeal. Will be eager to hear about your move and settling in.
Wow what a change! Sorry the federal government's actions have directly affected your husband's present job situation. I worry we will see more of this.
Dad Blast It,
Another acquaintance and I venture a new friend up and gone.
I have several friends that live in the area. They are solid folks that come from rough, but honest stock. Let me know if you would like to meet them. I worked with two of them, before the three of us retired.
I take issue with "Coyotes sing campers to sleep." You must be trying to convince friends or relatives to come West. I have never heard a soothing howl from a Coyote. So unless you mean they will force one to take medications which would force one to zonk out, or ... you are far too romantic!
You will probably, but not necessarily, pay a lot for broadband.
Sad to see you go, but perhaps I'll see you and EG somehwere along the way.
Christine--it's not so huge a change nor misfortune and one might suppose. Retirement has been moved ahead about 9 months, as we had planned to wait until August 2011. And moving out to where it is very dark, and where the EG can do something else, including woodworking, and becoming more self-sufficient, was already in the plan.
Chuck--We really, really need to talk! I don't 'loose' friends.
Thanks, I think. did I misuse the word "loose" somewhere along the way or is what you said a take on local usage.
Chuck--it's a take on local usage that I like. It seems to combine the meanings of "lose" and 'let loose" and so implies that losing friends comes from letting loose of them. It may be bad grammar, but I LIKE it. If Shakespeare could play fast and loose (there's that word again!) with English grammar, why so can we!
It didn't bother me one way or the other. It just that I try to catch myself, by most of the time I'm to loss.
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