Friday, April 16, 2010

Tax Day Tea Party: Second Annual

This week has been . . . one of those weeks.
Nevertheless, in the midst of sadness and worry, as well as busy preparations,
the Ragamuffin House crew went out to the Albuquerque Tax Day Tea Party 2.0 yesterday.
Unfortunately, yours truly forgot to charge the camera, and all the pictures were from the first part of the event. Then the battery ran out!

Despite concerns, it was another peaceful, happy event for the Tea Party participants, as we lined up along Menaul, both sides, all the way from San Pedro to Wyoming Avenues.

We were at least 9000 strong.


The Rasta-Jew and I volunteered to drive our truck along Montgomery, where the Tea Party was held last year. There was a misdirection campaign--possibly by OFA--and so we wanted to counter it. But ATP had done a good publicity job and the only people across from the IRS were the progressive singing grandmothers.

After we did about five rounds up and down Montgomery, we headed back to Menaul to join the Tea Party.
Here the Rasta-Jew unfurls the First Navy Jack.
Later, he enjoyed jogging up and down the street, flag flying in the breeze.

Three of the NMPA ladies display their signs as they move toward the street to join the Tea Party. Each sign fits their personality--one with no sign, just the flag, Coleen with her flowered patriotic shirt and "Save the Republic" and Connie, reminding our non-representing representatives what's coming in November.

Shot from across the street, this is on the corner of Wyoming and Menaul at the peak of the Tea Party. I wonder if, as the evening wore on, some of them took tea and ice-cream breaks!

People were happy to be out and enjoy the like-minded company, but there was an edge to their signs that indicate that they understand that the Pols are not listening.

Over and over, I saw signs that said things like: Heinrich, Udall, Bingaman--Remember, remember the 2nd of November.

That's election day.

There were also a lot of people and signs out in anticipation of the National 2nd Amendment Rights protest on April 19.

Here, Milt exercises both his First and Second Amendment Rights.

In New Mexico, open carry is honored and practiced.

Dave, the fearless leader of NMPA, here holds his typical sign: short and to the point.

On the other side he had written:
"This is our line in the Sand" next to a picture of the Constitution of the United States.

He was wearing his favorite Patriot Shirt--and I must say, it looks good on him.

During the Tea Party, I walked the whole thing--from Pennsylvania to Wyoming on the north side of Menaul, then back down to San Pedro on the south side, and then back up the north side to Pennsylvania.

I saw a lot of great signs. Many said things like:

"I want to vote for a black president, but not a red one."

"Spread your own damn wealth around!"

"BO: You are not entitled to my wealth!"

And this old car, decorated for the occasion.

A good time was had by most--but most of the Tea Partiers realized that this was keep up the momentum--they know the Pols are not listening.

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