Saturday, March 1, 2008

Nice Day

Shabbat Shalom!
Winter is loosening the grip, and Spring is wooing us, even if prematurely.

It is a nice day.

You know, one of the first days on which we can open the windows, and smell the fresh air, coming to us on the south winds.

The sky has taken on that spring-like robin's egg blue, so that we know the real eggs are not too far in the offing now.

It's a strange contrast of a day.

One on which it's good to be outside, and the sun feels warm on the rock, but the snow lingers in patches, not quite worn out from the warmth.

The solar angle is rising,

so that the length of the shadows and the length of the day fortell the coming of real Spring, and beyond.

It's a good day.

A day to sit out on the porch and read for the first time this year, and listen to the breeze, so recently cold and hard, but now warm and soft, as it sweeps through the tree tops.

But it's early yet. A body still needs a wool shirt to protect against just a bit of chill on that south wind.

It's a nice day!
I wish I could post the smell and feel of the wind, and the warmth of the sun.
But all I can post are these pictures,
tantalizing hints of the Spring to come, though they are, they do not completely convey the niceness of this day.
It's a really, really nice day! Sixty degrees, soft winds, golden sun, blue sky.
We might say that March is coming in to 2008 like a lamb.
Except it's supposed to snow tomorrow night.
So it's just a bit too early to say that Spring has sprung!
But it does seem as if Spring is tensing the coils, gathering the energy, and demonstrating her potential to Spring out fully, later.


denise said...


We are 44ยบ and cloudy today - highest temp yet - but with all the snow we have had it will take a long time to melt. Probably longer than our warmer spell.

Your photos are so nice...can't wait for some of that warmth to visit us too! :)

ChristineMM said...

I would have emailed this if I knew your email address.

This is off topic to your post.

Very nice things said about the Jewish people's contribution to the modern world in this. And the reaction the Holocaust.

A friend sent me this email, I'll put the whole thing here.---


It is extremely surprising that the Arab financed TV in Dubai would allow this to air. Be sure and watch this, it is so powerful I have no doubt she now has a very large price on her head. I also have no doubt it won't be on the air long.

She is one impressive woman. Here is a powerful and amazing statement on Al Jereeza television. The woman is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles . I would suggest watching it ASAP because I don't know how long the link will be active. This film clip should be shown around the world repeatedly!

Amie said...

Oh man! We won't be opening windows for quite a while!

I love your curtains.