Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Carnival of Homeschooling:Homeschool Memories Edition

The Carnival of Homeschooling --Homeschooling Memories is up over at Sprittibee's.

Somehow, that theme seems to be appropriate to me.
I am going through endings, changes and beginnings right now, and I am feeling vaguely "Septemberish" (in Chester the Cricket's words) even though it is not quite the middle of August. I have that post-intensity let-down that comes at the end of a completed term. I am glad--glad!--that the intensity is over, but I don't quite know what to do with myself yet.

I think a short reprieve from boxing up books and materials to ship back to IRD's Fulfillment center might be in order. A nice glass of lemonade and sit on the porch to read COH sounds like the perfect break!

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