Tuesday, December 18, 2007

COH: Alphabetized By Author

Last week, I got behind myself due to expected events, like a test, a paper and a presentation, and an unexpected event, a death in our community. So I completely missed the COH.

But I'm back to a fresh start this time.

The Alphabetized By Author version of the Carnival of Homeschooling is up over at The Common Room.

The Headmistress had a theme that just didn't work, so the entries are alphabetized by the first letter in the author's designation. Some are by name and some are by name of blog or pseudonymn. It just depends on what people call themselves. I can see that I was boringly unimaginative when I started my blog! I just used my name.

So hum the ABC's and head on over to the carnival. It looks like there is some good reading to be had in the midst of your busy-ness or leisure--depending on which holidays you celebrate!

Me? I'm finally at a place where I can relax and spend some hours on the carnival.

Happy Reading!

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