Wednesday, December 5, 2007

These Lights are Holy...

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

Ha-nerot halla-lu anachnu madlikin...

We kindle these holy lights...

... for the miracles,

and wonders,

and salvations,

and battles... ha-hem, ba-z'man ha zeh...

...that You performed for our ancestors,

in those days,

at this season.

...ha-nerot hallalu kodesh hem...

...On all of these eight nights of Hannukah,

these lights are holy. We may not use them,

but only gaze at them intently,

...v'al y'shuatecha... that their light may arouse us to give thanks to Your Great Name, for all Your miracles,

and all Your wonders,

and Your acts of deliverance.

Chag Sameach Hannukah!


Magpie Ima said...

I love the photos-- Chag sameach to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for children were fascinated by the pictures. We always read your holiday posts together and learn something new every time.